Mind Body Matrix was born from my long held knowledge of us Human Beings operating very similar to a computer, a bio-computer if you will, with specific operating systems, programs and coding built into our organic being for proper function and control. Like all animals and plants, our body/being just knows what to do (how to grow, how to function, what to eat etc), due to biological programs that have been installed by the Creator/Divine.

We Humans are very eager to learn and absorb information which is not always beneficial for a productive life. All information ingested by us is stored in the subconscious as a belief (your truth) and these beliefs are continually being called upon to perceive the environment and in turn make decisions about how you will react to it or create in it. Beliefs are Very Controlling!  

After studying energy medicine for the past 10 years I brought together all my wisdom and skills to develop a healing modality called ‘Inspired Personal Transformations’ (IPT). IPT incorporates Massage/fascia release, Energy medicine, Vortex centres activation/balancing, Meridian flow, Acu-pressure, Affirmations and Sub-conscious belief re-patterning to complete a package that addresses the whole ‘Mind Body Matrix’ to achieve lasting change and healing.

How you Perceive: Environment / Energy / Emotion = Your Reality.

The problem we have in this world is its constantly being run from history. His-Story. It is masculine dominated and that means it comes from the head and not the heart. The strings to the heart have been severed. Part of my aim, (and lots of other healing modalities) is to reconnect the mind with the heart so we can make balanced decisions that incorporate all of humanity and not just self preservation.

The beauty of quantum physics is that it shows us that everything is connected. Right from the start of creation every particle or wave was connected together, and thru the space fabric everything is still instantaneously connected. That is amazing I think. And its represented in the physical body by the fascia. The fascia system is a collagen crystalline matrix that surrounds every cell, every muscle, organ and bone. It is the fabric that pulls everything together and it is what holds us upright acting like the guy ropes on a tent, the bones being the poles.

While studying Remedial Therapy I was introduced to the fascia system, upon further research, I discovered thanks to the work of Tom Myers, that the fascia is a communications system that responds to tone or Vibration! The fascia communicates via vibration and is peizo-electric, meaning it generates electricity upon pressure changes. This is our primary communications system for the body allowing all cells/organs/glands, everything to know what is going on at all times. 

Memory is not held in the brain, that is the information processor. Memory is stored in our water based cells, dna and in space (morphogenetic field), it is the fascia’s crystal network, the human physical equivalent of the optic fibre internet, to relay this information throughout the body.

Everything is a Vibrational Frequency, representing as Light/Colour, Sound/Tone, and Shape/Geometry. Thoughts and emotions are pure vibration, Quantum instruments of manifestation.

How you perceive your environment in turn creates the energy (emotion) that manifests your reality.

Inspired Personal Transformations works with the body, mind and spirit to release, restore and rebuild the information needed for your journey.

Inspired Personal Transformations


– Unlocking the codes to accessing and re-mapping your primal patterns and traumas

– Integrating eastern, western and indigenous healing techniques such as:

Holographic Kinetics (Dreamtime healing)
Neuro-linguistic Cellular Re-patterning (N/CR)
QiGrow Vibration Remedies (similar to flower essences and homeopahy)
VR Acupoint (Acupressure with Vibration Remedies)

A-Tone-Ment (Sound healing)
Tuning Forks (Sound healing)